SSAE 18 Type II Compliance
The gold standard of business auditing, SSAE 18 organizations adhere to the strictest policies for security and processes.
We have critical compliance designations, including SSAE 18 Type II and PCI; we train our staff on best practices for HIPAA security on behalf of our healthcare clients; and we incorporate and maintain monitoring, anti-malware, and authentication tools on every client network. All of our support plans incorporate two essential services: ITSecure™, which provides multiple levels of protection for your network and data, and DataVault™, our proprietary, easy-to-maintain backup solutions for both on-premise and cloud environments. We keep pace with industry best practices and work vigilantly to implement processes that ensure your systems are always protected.
The gold standard of business auditing, SSAE 18 organizations adhere to the strictest policies for security and processes.
Every employee at IT Solutions is required to pass a series of exams to ensure we are up to date on HIPAA laws and security best practices. Our healthcare clients can partner with us in confidence knowing that their patient data is safe.
A critical compliance standard demonstrating our commitment to protecting client financial information when processing credit card transactions.
With hackers constantly combing the Internet for personal information and organized groups looking to literally hold your data hostage, you need a security plan that protects your data from every angle, and consistently adjusts for new threats. IT Solutions includes ITSecure with all our support plans to make sure your network is fully protected while not compromising employee productivity in any way.
Your data is your network. We know how important every file, spreadsheet, drawing, or e-mail is to your business. So we provide the DataVault for comprehensive protection and preservation of all your data. With the DataVault, your information is backed up 5 different ways – every day. It’s all part of our core philosophy of preventing problems before they start and, in the event of an incident, getting you back up and running fast – without a huge consulting bill.